Contact Us

Got Questions?

MobyAI uses a language processing model created by OpenAI and runs request and responses through and from their API. This costs money for every question asked, and every question answered. Though these fees are typically small, they do add up over time.

Fill out the contact form above with your T-Mobile information and use the message box to illustrate your use for the particular tool. If you qualify for access, you'll usually be given it within 48-72 hours, but keep in mind that testing access is usually limited to certain markets, districts, or even sometimes stores.

There is a currently an issue where the REMO blocks the Shortcuts' app from connecting to the internet when installing QuickLinks. The current solution is to connect your REMO to your phone hotspot and disable the VPN setting in the settings. You might have to toggle this setting a good few times. Annoying, but Help Desk is useless. Just make sure to connect the device back to REMO WiFi and restart it. Find a different issue? Let me know in the form!

Let me know! I'm always looking for new ways to make fun, new systems. Moby is currently expanding to be a team project, and it would be awesome to have you on board.